Competitive & Collaborative Commercial Loans
Powerful Partnerships.
Diverse Opportunities.
Incomparable Service.
Don’t Settle For Less
Broaden Your Reach
The Commercial Real Estate and Business Lending landscapes are constantly changing. With new federal regulations giving credit unions more opportunities in the area of Business Lending, Commercial Lending and Business Services, AVANA CUSO can offer your Business Member expert guidance to find the right path that makes sense for your credit union.
Click here to view our most recently funded transactions.
Who We Are
Since 1998 AVANA CUSO has been partnering credit unions with investors across the nation. Our seasoned professionals have an average of 15+ years of experience.
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“AVANA CUSO has provided FAST CU with great LP opportunities which in turn allows us to strategize our balance sheet to best serve our members.”
FAST Federal Credit Union